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Your go-to tool for better decision making
and stock market navigation
At edger you will find everything you need to research a stock and make better investment decisions. Most of the functionality is open, but if you want to store your inormation with us you need to sign up, which of course is free.
Ta till vara på möjligheten
Ditt verktyg för att navigera aktiemarknaden
och fatta bättre investeringsbeslut
Hos Edger hittar du allt du behöver för att analysera en aktie och fatta bättre investeringsbeslut. Nästan hela plattformen är öppen men om du vill spara information behöver du skapa ett konto, vilket såklart är kostnadsfritt.
We are currently working hard to bring you a superb mobile experience. In the meantime, feel free to try out our desktop version at
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P.S Curious how the desktop version
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Seize the advantage!
Your go-to tool for
better decision making
and stock market navigation
Welcome to Edger Finance!
Explore the market
Which stocks have the highest yield? Or which ones have performed best this month? Explore it all through our different themes.
Build your thesis, documentation and process. All gets saved so that you can build a library of ideas and review as they become ripe.
Follow up
Create a plan before you put money at risk. We help you set entry, exit and stop loss levels.
Explore the market
Which stocks have the highest yield? Or which ones have performed best this month? Explore it all through our different themes
Research Management System
Build your thesis, documentation and process. All gets saved so that you can build a library of ideas and review as they become ripe.
Get control
Create a plan before you put money at risk. We help you set entry, exit and stop loss levels.